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Suchergebnis: 1 Treffer

Hrsg./Sonstige PersonenOkafor, Ikenna Ugochukwu (HerausgeberIn); Ngalula Tshianda, Josée (HerausgeberIn); Segeja, Nicholaus Raphael (HerausgeberIn); Chu Ilo, Stan (HerausgeberIn)
VerfasserangabeIkenna U. Okafor, Josée Ngalula, Nicholaus Segeja, Stan Chu Ilo, editors

Toward a synodal church in Africa  

Titelzusatzechoes from an African Christian palaver
Ort, VerlagMaryknoll, NY: Orbis Books
Kollationsvermerk243 Seiten
PublikationsformMonographisches Sammelwerk
Kontrolliertes VokabularTheologie (Afrikanische) ; Synodalität ; Palaver ; Ubuntu (Philosophie) ; Klerikalismus ; Achebe, Chinua (1930-2013) ; Ethik (Christliche) ; Moraltheologie ; Basisgemeinschaft ; Ekklesiologie ; Missionstheologie ; Franziskus (Papst, 1936- )
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  • Titel
  • "The Tomb is Empty" : The Missionary Role of Communication in the Context of the Synodal Church Today
    In: Toward a synodal church in Africa : echoes from an African Christian palaver. - Maryknoll, NY: Orbis Books (), 2024, S. 229-233
  • Abraham, the Pilgrim: Three Paths for a Church on the Move
    In: Toward a synodal church in Africa : echoes from an African Christian palaver. - Maryknoll, NY: Orbis Books (), 2024, S. 45-63
  • African Palaver and Interpretation of the Word of God with and for the People of God : A Case for the Dialogical Construction of the Homily in the Small Christian Communities in Africa
    In: Toward a synodal church in Africa : echoes from an African Christian palaver. - Maryknoll, NY: Orbis Books (), 2024, S. 199-213
  • Chinua Achebe's Arrow of God : A Postcolonial Theological Critique of Clericalism
    In: Toward a synodal church in Africa : echoes from an African Christian palaver. - Maryknoll, NY: Orbis Books (), 2024, S. 137-159
  • Contested Moral Questions in Africa Inspirations for Moral Discernment in a Synodal Church
    In: Toward a synodal church in Africa : echoes from an African Christian palaver. - Maryknoll, NY: Orbis Books (), 2024, S. 175-197
  • Exploring the Possible Contributions of the African Palaver Towards a Participatory Synodal Church
    In: Toward a synodal church in Africa : echoes from an African Christian palaver. - Maryknoll, NY: Orbis Books (), 2024, S. 85-121
  • Five Key Lessons of Synodality for the Church-Family of God in Africa
    In: Toward a synodal church in Africa : echoes from an African Christian palaver. - Maryknoll, NY: Orbis Books (), 2024, S. 215-228
  • Proclaiming the Word of God to Young People in a Synodal African Church
    In: Toward a synodal church in Africa : echoes from an African Christian palaver. - Maryknoll, NY: Orbis Books (), 2024, S. 29-43
  • The Social Dimension of Ecclesial Synodality in Africa : A Call to Walk in Communion with the Laity in Doing Theology
    In: Toward a synodal church in Africa : echoes from an African Christian palaver. - Maryknoll, NY: Orbis Books (), 2024, S. 161-174
  • The Social Magisterium of Pope Francis and the Reform of the Church in a Synodal Way : Latin American Perspectives
    In: Toward a synodal church in Africa : echoes from an African Christian palaver. - Maryknoll, NY: Orbis Books (), 2024, S. 65-84
  • Ubuntu and Synodality
    In: Toward a synodal church in Africa : echoes from an African Christian palaver. - Maryknoll, NY: Orbis Books (), 2024, S. 123-136
1. Bibliothek: Mikado Bibliothek - Standort: Keller 2 - Signatur: A-2024-0398 - Barcode: 80239079
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